Worldwide Shipment

Our worldwide garment shipment and distribution services give you access to our large network of logistics companies. We offer all customers collect and deliver service which comprises of arranging with customer suppliers the details of the collection for worldwide garment shipment.

Over the years we have established a large network of logistics companies throughout the continent of America and Europe, so if need be we can organize your collections and deliveries from your manufacturer, process the goods and deliver to your end customer in a “one stop solution”.

All of ours and our network of logistics company’s vehicles are “security sealed” for added peace of mind.

We offer efficient shipment and distribution work in lowest lead time possible plus all work required to be undertaken, once the customer is completely satisfied we can deliver goods to any destination in the country and worldwide through shipment facilities for our buyers.

Whatever your logistic circumstance you can put you trust in us to provide you with highest levels of service.